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Highlights from Year 6
Year 6 have had an amazing start to the year! Many of the children have begun to take on responsibilities around school, such as House Captains, School Councillor, Librarians, Guinea Pig Champions and Playground Friends.
In the core subjects, we are already making good progress! In maths, we have been learning about numbers up to 10 million and formal written methods of multiplication and division. In writing, we have written biographies about William Shakespeare and used one of his most famous characters, Macbeth, in our own narratives. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading a version of Macbeth in class.
The children have also enjoyed swimming lessons every week! The children walk to the local leisure centre for their lessons. It has been wonderful to see the children challenge themselves and encourage each other to develop their swimming skills. Thank you for your ongoing support, helping the children to remember kit and making sure they are ready every Tuesday. This will continue next half term.
In science, the children have been learning how we see and how light travels. We have conducted lots of different experiments and investigations to help us develop our understanding of shadows and light. In geography, we have been studying North America. We have looked at many different physical and human features in different countries. We have used atlases and online maps to work geographically. Finally, we have studied and recreated photos in the style of Annie Lebovitz. The children have looked at foregrounds, backgrounds, lighting, colour and positioning to convey a range of different emotions.
We have also took part in a couple of special days this half term. The children learnt about rhinos on World Animal Day and enjoyed lots of different activities where we discussed how to stay mentally healthy on World Mental Health Day. We also raised lots of money for Jeans for Genes by covering a whole pair of jeans in coins. Thank you!
Thank you for your ongoing support. It has been great to speak to lots of you before and after school each day. Please feel free to speak to me or you can email [email protected] if you have any questions.